School Supplies for Moscow Middle School Students
Middle School students have and keep track of their own supplies. They can choose supplies that work best for them, but should come to school prepared with the following:
- Something to write with. We suggest students have some pens and pencils. You can choose the type & style you prefer.
- Something to write on. Students will need notebooks, or a binder with notebook paper, or folders with paper. You can choose what works best for you.
- Something for organization. Some students like having separate folders, some like a big binder, some use folders in notebooks. Students will need a way of keeping assignments and projects organized.
- Wired headphones/earbuds. Students sometimes need headphones/earbuds and it is nice if they have their own inexpensive pair that they keep in their backpack or pencil case. We do NOT recommend wireless headphones/earbuds for a variety of reasons.
- A backpack. Your child will need a backpack for all their stuff. Every student will have a locker, but many prefer to carry their backpacks. Students will be issued a Chromebook, so make sure the backpack is big enough for their supplies and a Chromebook. We do not allow bags with wheels unless a medical exemption has been granted.
- Shoes for PE. Your student will have a daily PE class. They will need appropriate shoes. We encourage students to keep a pair of sneakers in their PE locker to use on days when they want to wear Crocs, flip-flops, sandals, boots, etc. These do NOT need to be anything fancy. They will be worn outside as well as inside and will get dirty.
- Extras. A specific teacher might have a specific school supply request. If this is the case, your student will find that out once the school year starts. This is usually for specific elective classes, or a specific project – most teachers don’t require anything special. But please know you might be asked for a specific school supply item once the school year starts. Your student might want supplies such as highlighters, colored pencils, post-it notes, pencil pouches, etc. and all those things are fine for students to have, but not required.