Mr. Holman's Weekly Parent Update 09/11/23
Dear Parents and Guardians:
We had a great start to the Cub Football season this past Thursday with a couple of victories against Lincoln Middle School of Clarkston. Strong performances by our 7th and 8th grade teams and by our fabulous cheer squad! Sports events pick up the pace this week with contest in volleyball, cross country and football...see schedule below. Our Sports Broadcast class will be simulcasting home sporting events this year. On the day of the events we will send out links to those simulcasts. It is a nice feature for those who cannot make the contests, and it is possible for a relative who lives elsewhere to watch a contest in real time. The kids are just getting started and will be honing their skills as we go along, and they are off to a great start! Please let me know if you have questions.
CORE/Cub Pride Lessons and CORE Days for 6-8 graders: Moscow Middle School has been working with Greg Sommers and the CORE Project (Website: The Core Project ) since 2009. (The opportunities created and skills taught through the program help students manage man of the challenges faced by students and enhance the quality of interactions and the climate of the school. On most Wednesdays this year homeroom teachers will be facilitating lessons from the Core curriculum that also support our Cub Pride expectations. Cub Pride Document: Moscow Cub Pride Poster.pdf I will be sending the theme(s) of each week along with the corresponding lesson documents so that you can see what these are about and have conversations with your children about them if you wish. Next week, all three grade levels have the opportunity to participate in activities facilitated by Greg Sommers, beginning on Monday, Sept. 18. Monday is for 8th grade, Tuesday for 7th and Wednesday for 6th. A number of 8th graders have been identified to help with the 6th grade day as well, and we really appreciate their assistance and positive leadership. Students who receive permission will accompany their classmates over to the HIRC building for a half day program at their designated time. Our hope is that all students are able to attend, so we are hoping that all permission slips are returned. Please contact me if you have additional questions about this extremely valuable program.
This week's lessons, taking place Wednesday during homeroom, are about Making Connections. The lessons for each grade level:
6th Grade: Making-Connections-Course-1.pdf 7th Grade: Making-Connections-Course-2.pdf 8th Grade: Making-Connections-Course-3.pdf
PST Corner: The first MMS Parent Support Team meeting will take place Thursday, September 28 at 5:30 pm in the MMS library. The meeting is open to anyone who would like to attend to find out more about how to support MMS students and staff. Stay tuned for more information.
This week in sports: We have had some changes from last week due to the large numbers of Cubs out for fall sports. Mitch Running has been updating contest and practice schedules, which can be found on the MMS Website here: Sports Teams and Schedules - Moscow Middle School ( Since these changes have come pretty quickly, we will be trying to overcommunicate them:
7th and 8th A Volleyball teams
- Monday – @ Sacajawea
- Tuesday – Bear Den 3:30-5:00pm
- Wednesday – Home vs Lapwai @ MHS (see below)
- Thursday – Bear Den 3:30-5:00pm
- Friday – Bear Den 3:30-5:00pm
7th/8th B Volleyball teams
- Monday – High school 3:45-5:15pm
- Tuesday - @ Pullman (see below)
- Wednesday – High School 3:45-5:15pm
- Thursday – Home vs Pullman @ MHS
- Friday – High School 3:45-5:15pm
6th Volleyball
- Monday – Bear Den 3:30-4:45pm
- Tuesday – Bear Den 3:30-4:45pm
- Wednesday – Bear Den 3:30-4:45pm
- Thursday – TBD (We will send out a notice Monday about Thursday and Friday.)
- Friday – TBD
Monday-Thursday – MPR 3:20-4:20pm
Football and Cross-Country
Normal weekly practice schedule, away games at Pullman (Lincoln Middle School field): 7th - 3:30 pm, 8th - 5:30 pm
On the calendar: Normal full week schedule - A, A, B, C, D
- Monday, Sept. 11 7/8 A Volleyball @ Sacajawea (Lewiston), 7th – 4:30, 8th - 5:45
- Tuesday, Sept. 12 7/8 B Volleyball @ Pullman, M1 v P1 – 4:00, M2 v P2 – 5:00, M3 v P3 - 6:00
- Wednesday, Sept. 13 7/8 A Volleyball v Lapwai, (MHS Gym), 7th – 4:30, 8th – 5:45
- Wednesday, Sept. 13 MMS Cross Country @ Lancer Invite, Beachview Park, Clarkston, 4:00 pm
- Thursday, Sept. 14 7/8 B Volleyball v Pullman, (MHS Gym), M1 v P3 – 4:00, M2 v P1 – 5:00, M3 v P2 – 6:00 pm
- Thursday, Sept. 14 7/8 Football @ Pullman (LMS Field), 7th – 3:30 pm, 8th – 5:30 pm
- Monday, Sept. 18 8th Grade Cub PRIDE/CORE Day
- Tuesday, Sept. 19 7th Grade Cub PRIDE/CORE Day
- Wednesday, Sept. 20 6th Grade Cub PRIDE/CORE Day
- Week of Sept 25 6th Grade campaigns begin
- Thursday, Sept. 28 Picture Retakes, Sports Photos
- Thursday, Sept. 28 MMS PST Meeting, 5:30 pm. MMS library
Have a terrific week!
Bill Holman